viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

Regando mucho y mira como crece nuestro huerto!

Este mes, aunque tenemos el sistema de irrigacion de nuestro huerto, el buen tiempo hace que tengamos que regar tres veces a la semana.
This month, although we have a super irrigation system in our school garden, the hot weather we've been having means we have to water three times a week.

Mira que bien esta creciendo el huerto!
Look how well our garden has been growing!

Tambien hemos preparado la compostera mezclando lo que habia con una pala grande, y regandolo bien para que este lista el miercoles. Ya hemos pedido a la cocina que guarden los residuos orgánicos para que los ponemos el miércoles.

We've also been preparing the compost heap mixing up what was there with a big shovel, and watering it well so it's ready for Wednesday. We've already asked the school kitchen to keep the leftovers from the meal preparation for us so we can add them on Wednesday.

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